Monstera deliciosa var. sierrana is an incredible ecotype of M. deliciosa found in the Sierra Juarez mountain range in Oaxaca, Mexico. This particular form was first collected in 1961, with 7 pressings existing in herbaria from original collection. Foliage can be distinguished from classic deliciosa by a repressed or flat sinus, deep-cut pinnatisect fenestrations to the midrib, and a cluster of secondary fenestrations. There two persistent clones of sierrana in cultivation; the Sierra Juarez ecotype and the Hawaiian clone. The material I possess and matured out is the Sierra Juarez ecotype. Here are some progression pics of this stunning plant maturing.
Monstera barrieri
Out of all the Monstera I've matured out, Monstera barrieri was by far one of the most challenging to mature. This enigmatic species is unique for a myriad of reasons and goes...
Monstera barrieri
Out of all the Monstera I've matured out, Monstera barrieri was by far one of the most challenging to mature. This enigmatic species is unique for a myriad of reasons and goes...
Monstera aff. gracilis
This Colombian Monstera is remarkably similar to Monstera aff. obliqua “filamentous,” with minor differences. It was tentatively named “gracilis aff.” by experts & distributed to hobbyists under said name. Leaves of...
Monstera aff. gracilis
This Colombian Monstera is remarkably similar to Monstera aff. obliqua “filamentous,” with minor differences. It was tentatively named “gracilis aff.” by experts & distributed to hobbyists under said name. Leaves of...
Monstera croatii
This recently-described Monstera is incredibly glaucous & pinnatifid, fenestrating deeply with maturity. They’ve also been described as being of near terrestrial habit, with plants reaching maturity on the ground and only...
Monstera croatii
This recently-described Monstera is incredibly glaucous & pinnatifid, fenestrating deeply with maturity. They’ve also been described as being of near terrestrial habit, with plants reaching maturity on the ground and only...